Young Jesus: Home, School, and Play
Q: I am doing a school project on life of Jesus. What leisure activities and education did He do when growing up?

Since God chose devout Israelites to raise Jesus, we trust that Joseph taught Him the Scriptures, particularly the five Books of Moses, from early on. This is in keeping with Deuteronomy 6:7, where the Lord spoke through Moses, saying, “You shall teach [all God’s statutes and his commandments, cf. vv. 2, 4-5] diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise.”
Mary, likewise, would have taken advantage of all available opportunities to train Him in the Word. However, according to the Lord, the primary responsibility for religious education belonged to the fathers, so Joseph likely assumed that responsibility until Jesus was old enough to participate in the formal education of His day.

Generally speaking, when they reached age five, Jewish boys commenced their formal education under a local rabbi. Along with ongoing biblical instruction, reading and writing were among their first lessons. Around the age of ten, boys began in-depth study of Jewish law. This included not only the Scriptures but also rabbinical commentary. “School” education usually wrapped up when they were 18.
The synagogue school taught only the boys of the area. Young girls learned at home from their mothers and other women. This segregation of the sexes didn’t mean that they were raised to be illiterate — a large number of women also read, wrote, and knew their arithmetic. This shouldn’t surprise us, since the wife largely directed the economy of the household and she needed these skills in the marketplace. Such a pattern was commended already in the Old Testament, particularly Proverbs 31:10-31.

The exceptions were few — one being the vocations that required extended education and probationary periods under others. The “scribes” mentioned throughout the Gospels were among these. Their communication skills were polished and their knowledge of the Scriptures and rabbinic interpretations more completely developed by their internships. The scribes did more than just keep written records, as their name implies. Along with providing religious and, quite often, civic, leadership, many scribes also served in offices similar to modern notaries, attorneys, and other professions involving legal or financial issues.
Particularly bright (and often ambitious) students occasionally moved on to more noted rabbis, making themselves disciples to these men in order to themselves become rabbis. Those teachers with the greatest reputations often attracted disciples from beyond their own communities and their reputations sometimes extended internationally. As an aside, consider the difference between these men and the thirty-plus year old Jesus: He was the only known rabbi who so actively went out and called disciples to Himself.

Archaeology often helps as much as or more than written accounts when we look at ancient family life. Discovered artifacts indicate that most toys were homemade. We’ve lost much of the evidence since people likely used their toys until they broke or were outgrown. If these junked or abandoned toys were made of wood, they likely became fuel for a cooking or heating fire.
Boys dressed in scaled-down versions of adult wear. The undergarment was a “tunic.” The outer garment was called a “cloak” or a “mantle” — loose fitting and fringed, it was bound by blue ribbon. Men almost always wore a belt in public. This was either a wide leather strap or a cloth sash. The “girdle” of the King James Version and other early translations refers to a belt, not to a compression undergarment.

Scripture quoted from The Holy Bible, English Standard Version™, © 2001 by Crossway Bibles.
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Walter Snyder is a Lutheran pastor, conference speaker, author of the book What Do Lutherans Believe, and writer of numerous published devotions, prayers, and sermons.
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